Snowdonia’s Secret Waterfall

Tucked away in South Snowdonia and off any of the main tourist trails, you’ll find what is fondly referred to as ‘Snowdonia’s Secret Waterfall’. 

I’ll start this post by saying that this post doesn’t give away the exact location of the waterfall – honestly finding it is all part of the fun!

With an impressive drop, peaceful surrounding woodland and lack of other people, it really is the perfect place to escape to with the dogs. We were lucky enough to have the entire waterfall to ourselves, in fact I barely saw another soul on our entire walk in September.

Finding the waterfall

It’s called the Secret Waterfall for a reason – it really does require time and effort to find it. I did a lot of research online before visiting and did manage to find it on my first attempt.

I’d recommend you read as many articles that you can find and cross-reference to OS maps or satellite views of Google Maps. Honestly I really enjoyed doing this as it felt so different to the usual of being spoon fed walking routes, attractions and places to visit that we’ve become so accustomed to.

The walk takes you through some really stunning woodland, alongside a river with plenty of swimming spots for dogs (and humans!). It’s certainly not an easy walk, there’s a sustained section of uphill and once you reach the general area, it’s not an obvious thing to find. 

You’ll probably hear the sound of the falls before you see them – I certainly did! It helps that there is pretty much no other noise in this area, it feels like the most unspoilt little pocket of Wales. You’ll approach the waterfall from above but there is a way down to reach the base of the waterfall.

We visited in September but I can imagine it getting pretty wild after heavy rainfall. Unfortunately I accidentally only brought an 85mm lens with me which was far from ideal for shooting a tall waterfall! 

I really think there’s so much more to this location than just the secret waterfall – the woodlands alone are truly stunning, but I’d really recommend doing some research and thinking about incorporating this into your next adventure. Trust me, there’s a huge amount of stunning scenery in the vicinity to give you plenty to explore.

Thanks for reading,

Cara, Andy, Poppy & Maple x